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Special Area Teachers

Student self-assessment is critical to growth in any academic area. Look below to see ways you can include self-assessments in Music, Art, and LRC. Reach out if you need help planning.

Special Area Teachers: What's Happening

Engagement & Self-Assessment

Please note that these are examples. If you would like, reach out to me and I will help you design your own. Permission to reuse these resources has not been given by the owner.



Art allows students to demonstrate their creative thinking. For some students, this feels natural, while others may feel less comfortable taking risks. How do you motivate all students? Take a peek at some self-assessment tools.

Creator's Reflection

Paint Palette Critique

Art Rubric



Music helps the mind work together. When learning music, we are reading, counting, and handling emotions. How do students learn that musicians make progress in their learning? Take a peek at some self-assessment tools.  

Musical Performance

Notes & Rhythm


Physical Education


Students build muscular strength, build endurance, develop flexibility, and so much more. While some students learn movements with ease, others may struggle. How do we get students to see the purpose behind the skills learned in physical education? Take a peek at some self-assessment tools.

Pre/Post Skipping Reflection

Skipping Self-reflection

Checkout Time

Special Area Teachers: Activities
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